Next Concert Nov 13 – Scott Cook and the Second Chances and Maddie Storvold

Road-worn, painfully honest, and deeply human, Scott’s tunes weave threads of folk, roots, blues, soul and country over spacious fingerstyle guitar. One More Time Around, was nominated for a Canadian Folk Music Award, and its opening track, Pass It Along, won the Folk and Acoustic category in the 2013 UK Songwriting Contest.  His 2017 CD Further Down the Line, earned a Canadian Folk Music Award nomination, for English Songwriter of the Year. The Second Chances feature Melissa Walker on bass and vocals and Bramwell Park on banjo, mandolin and vocals.

Here’s a video of Scott singing his inspiring Pass It Along

Maddie Storvold

With the goal of “uniting the hippies and the cowboys” Maddie Storvold is quickly finding her sure-footing in the shifting landscape at the intersection of Singer-Songwriter and Psych-Folk. In February 2020, at the advent of the pandemic, disheartened, untethered, and confined indoors, Storvold received funding to record a new set of mature, hopeful and gritty songs, saturated with candor and depth, a lighthearted vulnerability, and a splash of piss and vinegar at the forefront of a new generation of storytellers.

Here’s a video of Maddie singing The Water’s Wide.

$30 tickets for this concert are on sale now at Eventbrite.

All Nick concerts are held at the Crescent Heights Community Hall, 1101 2nd St. N.W. Doors open at 7:00 and showtime is 7:30.

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Advance ticket holders are reminded that any season ticket holders who arrive at the Crescent Heights Hall before 7:00 are given preferential admission.

Limited season tickets for ten Nick concerts are available. See our Tickets page for details.

The Calgary emergency COVID guideline Restriction Exemption Program will be in effect for the November 13 performance. All persons purchasing tickets, volunteering or performing, will have to show proof of double vaccination. A negative COVID test within 72 hours of the performance is also acceptable. Masks must be worn by attendees, even when seated. At this time, no food service will be offered at the Nick and only canned or bottled beverages will be available. Ticket sales are limited and audience seating will incorporate spacing as much as possible.

$30 tickets for the following fall concerts are on sale at Eventbrite.

November 13:   Scott Cook and the Second Chances  with opener Maddie Storvold

November 27:   Del Barber with opener Tom Phillips (Ruth Purves Smith has regretfully cancelled)

Tickets for January to April 2022 concerts will go on sale at 9:00 a.m. December 15.

Please sign up for Nick news and concert reminders:   SUBSCRIBE NICK EMAILS

October 30 – soundcheck photos

Over The Moon
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Craig Bignell
Suzanne Levesque
Cedric Blary
Carter Felker
James Nayo

Next Concert Oct 30 – Over The Moon and Carter Felker

Canadian roots/swing duo Over The Moon’s Suzanne Levesque and Craig Bignell are award winning multi-instrumentalists/vocalists that met, fell in love, got married and discovered their voices blend so well together that people often tear up upon hearing them sing.  Living on a ranch in the foothills of Alberta’s Rocky Mountains, it’s inevitable there will be a strong sense of place- and the rhythms of the land when you start to make music.   When the couple released their debut album, the resonances were there for all to hear. reflecting the pulse of life lived in a territory that is both dirt-hard rugged and beautiful. Over the Moon will release their hot off the press new CD “Chinook Waltz” at this show!

Here’s a soundcheck video of Over The Moon singing Bluebird.

Born and raised in the Prairies, Carter Felker’s eyes have seen the length of the wheat fields through many Winter mornings, and the stretch of the sun through many short lived Summers. He has labored, he has lost, and he has loved. Carter uses his own experience, and his desire to tell a story to create honest, human-made, country music.

Here’s Carter and band at the Full Moon Folk Club singing Refuse To Dance.

$30 tickets for this concert are on sale now at Eventbrite.

All Nick concerts are held at the Crescent Heights Community Hall, 1101 2nd St. N.W. Doors open at 7:00 and showtime is 7:30.

Advance ticket holders are reminded that any season ticket holders who arrive at the Crescent Heights Hall before 7:00 are given preferential admission.

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Limited season tickets for eleven Nick concerts are available. See our Tickets page for details.

The Calgary emergency COVID guideline Restriction Exemption Program will be in effect for the October 30 performance. All persons purchasing tickets, volunteering or performing, will have to show proof of double vaccination. A negative COVID test within 72 hours of the performance is also acceptable. Masks must be worn by attendees, even when seated. At this time, no food service will be offered at the Nick and only canned or bottled beverages will be available. Ticket sales are limited and audience seating will incorporate spacing as much as possible.

$30 tickets for the following fall concerts are on sale at Eventbrite.

October 30:  Over The Moon with opener Carter Felker

November 13:   Scott Cook and the Second Chances  with opener Maddie Storvold

November 27:   Del Barber with opener Ruth Purves Smith

Tickets for January to April 2022 concerts will go on sale at 9:00 a.m. December 15.

Please sign up for Nick news and concert reminders:   SUBSCRIBE NICK EMAILS

October 16 – soundcheck photos

The Nick is back! We enjoyed wonderful singing and instrumental prowess from Shaye and Tim and Valdy earned a standing ovation for his selection of old favorites and a bunch of great new songs.

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Shaye Zadravec
Tim Leacock

Oct 16 – Valdy with Shaye Zadravec!

The Calgary emergency COVID guideline Restriction Exemption Program, just enacted, will be in effect for all upcoming Nickelodeon performances. All persons purchasing tickets, volunteering or performing, will have to show proof of vaccination. A single vaccination is required up to October 25 and a double vaccination after that date. A negative COVID test within 72 hours of the performance is also acceptable. Masks must be worn by attendees except when seated. At this time, no food service will be offered at the Nick and only canned or bottled beverages will be available. Ticket sales are limited and audience seating will incorporate spacing as much as possible.

With the REP in place the Nick has added a concert with Valdy and Shaye Zadravec to become the first event in our 2021-2022 season.


With 16 albums, 4 gold records, 2 Juno awards and 7 Juno nominations, Valdy has toured the world for 46 years. He comes to the stage with no set list and if you heard him in concert the next night you’d note he only repeated a quarter of the songs. He’s a national treasure, who embraces every audience, a consummate entertainer, a singer and storyteller from the heart.

Shaye Zadravec

Shaye is a singer, and an exceptional one. To see and hear Shaye Zadravec in concert is (as one noted radio personality commented) “like listening to the greatest radio show you ever heard”. Her repertoire is familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. She sings with an ease and comfort that washes over the listener…. so subtle, so graceful – no big notes, no overwrought star search theatrics, just pure, unaffected performance beauty.

$30 tickets for this concert are on sale now at Eventbrite.

All Nick concerts are held at the Crescent Heights Community Hall, 1101 2nd St. N.W. Doors open at 7:00 and showtime is 7:30.

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Advance ticket holders are reminded that any season ticket holders who arrive at the Crescent Heights Hall before 7:00 are given preferential admission.

Limited season tickets for twelve Nick concerts are available. Scroll down to the next post for details on how to purchase Nick season tickets. We intend to limit ticket sales to 130 for this concert.

$30 tickets for the following fall concerts are on sale at Eventbrite.

October 16: Valdy with opener Shaye Zadravec

October 30:  Over The Moon with opener Carter Felker

November 13:   Scott Cook and the Second Chances  with opener Maddie Storvold

November 27:   Del Barber with opener Ruth Purves Smith

Tickets for January to April 2022 concerts will go on sale at 9:00 a.m. December 15.

Please sign up for Nick news and concert reminders:   SUBSCRIBE NICK EMAILS

2021 – 2022 Season Tickets On Sale

Hi all,

To start our updated 2021-2022 season, our first concert will be October 16, 2021, with Valdy and opening act, Shaye Zadravec!

Headliners rescheduled from 2020-2021, are listed below as are acts not previously booked.  General Season Ticket sales have now commenced.  

2021-2022 Nick Season Tickets will sell for $336.00 each for twelve concerts.

Patrons wishing to purchase Season Tickets are asked to send an email to <> expressing your intent and the number of tickets desired.  We will also need contact information, your mailing address and phone number.  It will not be necessary for us to confirm ticket availability.

After you’ve given us your contact information, you will have two options for purchasing Season Tickets, E-transfer or cheque by mail. If you intend to send a cheque, please let us know in your contact email.

Cheques should be made out to The Acoustic Music Society and mailed to:

PO Box 64244,
Thorncliffe PO,
Calgary AB  T2K 6J7

E-transfers should be made out to The Acoustic Music Society and sent to <>.  Your transfer will be automatically deposited in our account.

Your Season Passes will be mailed out after payment is received.

$30 advance tickets for all clubs in our fall 2021 season are on sale through Eventbrite, a new online ticket outlet.

COVID Protocols

The Calgary emergency COVID guideline Restriction Exemption Program, just enacted, will be in effect for all upcoming Nickelodeon performances. All persons purchasing tickets, volunteering or performing, will have to show proof of vaccination. A single vaccination is required up to October 25 and a double vaccination after that date. A negative COVID test within 72 hours of the performance is also acceptable. Masks must be worn by attendees except when seated. At this time, no food service will be offered at the Nick and only canned or bottled beverages will be available. Ticket sales are limited and audience seating will incorporate spacing as much as possible.  Anyone feeling ill is asked to remain at home.

The following Nickelodeon guidelines will be reviewed prior to our first concert.

Ticket sales will be limited on a club by club basis, taking current COVID circumstances into account.

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We understand that the Crescent Heights Hall has numerous pinch points, on the stairs and washroom hallways, and in admittance and ticket line ups.  We encourage patrons to distance themselves as needed in those locations.

Ventilation will be enhanced by operating ceiling fans and opening outside doors where practical.

A limited number of tables will be set up, and chairs will be arrayed in clusters facing the stage.

We will not sell any food items, and beverages will be sold in containers only, no poured drinks will be available. Patrons are reminded the Nick is a cash only venue.

We will provide hand sanitizers and wipes throughout the hall. Additional masks will be available at the door.

In an ever-changing environment, we have to be flexible, and additional responses, including cancelling concerts, may be necessary.  In that unfortunate event, we will reimburse patrons who purchased tickets.

We trust the above measures will assure patrons that the Nick regards the safety of our patrons, volunteers and performers as a priority. After our first concert we will evaluate how our COVID protocols worked and modify them as necessary.

Thanks for continuing to support the Nick.  

All the best,  Vic

Please sign up for Nick news and concert reminders:   SUBSCRIBE NICK EMAILS

2021- 2022 Confirmed Headliners

Here are the confirmed headliners for 2021 – 2022 to date:

Oct. 16: Valdy with opener Shaye Zadravec

Here’s a video of Valdy singing Renaissance.

October 30: Over The Moon with opener Carter Felker 

Here’s a live video of Over The Moon singing Strangers We Meet

November 13:   Scott Cook and the Second Chances  with opener Maddie Storvold

Scott Cook & the Second Chances

Here’s Scott Cook and the Second Chances in a live performance of Your Sweet Time.

November 27:   Del Barber with opener Ruth Purves Smith

Del Barber

Here’s Del Barber and band live at the Audio Department recording Louise.

January 15:   The Pairs

Here’s The Pairs in the studio singing Did I.

January 29:  The Fretless  

The Fretless

Here’s The Fretless in a live performance medley of MacLeod’s Farewell and Palmer’s Gate.

February 12: Little Miss Higgins  

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Little Miss Higgins

Here’s the official video of Little Miss Higgins and band playing, what else? Bargain Shop Panties.

February 26:  Julian Taylor with opener Jess Knights

Here’s the official video of Julian singing The Ridge .

March 12:  Catherine MacLellan

Catherine MacLellan

Here’s Catherine MacLellan in concert, performing the title track from her new CD, Coyote.

March 26: Amos Garrett and Julian Kerr Duet 

Here’s Amos and band performing Buried Alive In The Blues.

April 9:  Danny Michel 

Here’s Danny playing a solo version of The Red Fox.

April 23: Roy Forbes with opener Emily Triggs

Here’s a live recording of Roy singing Crazy Old Moon.

Please sign up for Nick news and concert reminders:   SUBSCRIBE NICK EMAILS

Refunds for Cancelled Concerts

Patrons who purchased tickets through Brown Paper Tickets to our final two concerts, with Cécile Doo-Kingué or The Good Lovelies, can arrange a refund by contacting <>.  You will need to include the confirmation number on your BPT receipt.

Nick Season Ticket holders have been sent a refund via E-transfer.  That process began on March 23.  The final transfers were completed March 27.  A number of you have not deposited the refund.  Please check your email including the spam folder.  If you have not received an E-transfer, please get in touch at <>.

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Please sign up for Nick news and concert reminders:   SUBSCRIBE NICK EMAILS

Cancellation – The Good Lovelies With Opening Act, Ian Foster

Our 2019-2020 season at the Nick is at an end.

Both Cécile Doo-Kingué and The Good Lovelies have cancelled their performances due to the COVID 19 crisis.

The Good Lovelies wrote:

After much deliberation we’re going to have to let go of our upcoming tour of BC & Alberta. This has been such a difficult decision for us to make, but we know it’s also the right thing to do to be responsible citizens and slow the spread of this pandemic. Given the dangers of air travel and gathering together we feel like this is the only choice. We’re pretty heavy-hearted right now.
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We are working to book all of the cancelled performers for future seasons at the Nick

Follow approved practices to stay safe!  Thank you all for supporting the Nick!  

Please sign up for Nick news and concert reminders:   SUBSCRIBE NICK EMAILS

March 7 – soundcheck photos

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Sheila Carabine

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